Monday, November 06, 2006

October 25 - 28

Is that smell me or you?

Carter giving Christine & Josh a goodnight hug

Grayson hamming it up with Christine

Grayson was totally impressed with Josh's beard

playing in the hallway

Sloop John B!

Grayson does it too!

October 24: Carter's first field trip (THE FARM!)

Carter laughed & laughed at this guy walking around

Can I drive it, mom?

We got to pet the pony, but no rides.

We saw chickens galore, geese, a wild turkey, and 2 emus!

Carter & his "best friend" Matthew on the hayride

Carter and a chicken.

Carter & Matthew waiting to go see Dreselda the witch

this was supposed to be Carter and a goat, but the goat moved

down the slide!

Carter & his class. The two big kids in the back row are Ms Darcy and Miss Renee.

Mommy picked Carter up *high* so he could sit on top of the haystack!

Friday, November 03, 2006

October 21st

Grayson & cousin Alex layin' around

Daddy as the blushing bride in his "dead wedding party" work outing

Carter playing with Alex

Alex jumped in the jumper, Grayson jumped beside it!

October 12th - 17th

this is a fun place to play!

Our house all decked-out for Halloween

Happy Birthday, Great-Grampa!

On October 10th, the snow started. By the 12th, we had enough to make a good snowman!!

I didn't do it!

Carter trying to throw a snowball at me

He had a snow-chair custom made, to go along with the snowman

Grayson visiting with Leon

October 3rd - 9th

Grayson hanging out with Grammy and Auntie Sara on Thanksgiving

the whole gang of Richard Grandkids:

Carter, David, Justin & Alex
Grayson, Jade, Ashley & Kieran

Did Jade tell Grayson a funny secret?

the boys baking with Daddy's birthday present

Daddy, Grayson, and Ashley having a cuddle

Hi mom!

Leaf piles are even better at the bottom of a slide!

Grayson going for a Sunday cruise....

Mmmm, leaves. Needs more salt.

You'd be amazed at how many of the photos I try to take that end up like this, with 1-1/2 children. It's hard to get two boys to sit still!!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

October 1 -

I was pretty evenly-balanced with Alex on one hip and Grayson on the other! Made me have a lot more respect for moms of twins.

kissing cousins!

After 33 years, Dad finally figured it was "safe" so he & mom gave Kent the EASY BAKE OVEN he *always* wanted!

the birthday kids, Jade & Kent

smiley Alex!

Ashley, Jade, and Grayson (who had a tiny bit of icing)

the birthday bunch

"Nobody's looking, right?"

september 27 - 30

this is what happened to Kent's toe when we were moving a HEAVY entertainment unit and his toe got, um, a little caught underneath it.
He ended up spending 4-1/2 hours in the ER waiting to have the nail bent back *shudder*

my little Beethoven boys

Grayson & Ally on their first date. They had dinner (grilled cheese, a pear, and popcorn twists) and a movie (baby Einstein)

Happy Birthday, Daddy! This was on Kent's bday, the 28th.

Auntie Carly chillin' with Grayson and Ally.

Happy Birthday, Daddy! Again! We had dinner & cake on Saturday.