Tuesday, March 07, 2006

February 6th - 10th

"We're not tired!"

Ramsey gets a LOT of kisses from Carter

Some dogs might just step over the fence onto the snowbank on the other side. Not my dog though!

Carter "tasting" another batch of cupcakes we made

Cleaning up after working in the kitchen

Tobogganning with Daddy in the back yard

Wave your hand in the air!

Big smiles from the Little Man.

What Carter's face looked like the day after he fell face first down the front (cement!) stairs outside.

My boys

Monday, March 06, 2006

January 24th - February 4th

The "Stroller Gang" at the mall; Grayson, Ally, and Vasco.

No photos, please!

Fingerpainting for Grammy.

Out for dinner at Red Lobster for Great-Grandma's birthday!

Grayson modelling another cloth diaper!

Don't I have great chins?

Carter loooooves bathtime!

Grayson sitting up like a big boy in his Bumbo seat!

Ramsey is wondering if it's OK to give Grayson a kiss...

Sunday, March 05, 2006

January 11-22

"I'll help you blow out your birthday candles, Uncle Sid!"

Grayson looking spiffy in his overalls!

Smile, guys!

Carter the Baker! One of his favorite things to do is to "help" Mommy in the kitchen; We bake, cook, and even wash dishes!

Carter having a "picnic" in the basement

Grayson at 6 weeks old

Mommy and Grayson at Grayson's first curling game. We went to watch Papa and Uncle Carl!

Grayson modelling his snazzy wool diaper pants.

Carter loves posing for the camera with his "baby brother"

Friday, March 03, 2006

December 27-January 11th

Almost a smile caught on camera!

Carter playing with "The Girls".

Making the gingerbread house we never got around to before Christmas!

Happy Birthday Uncle Neal!

Grayson watching TV at 5 weeks old. Typical man....