Wednesday, September 27, 2006

pictures September 14th -

If you look closely at Carter's right eye, you will see, yes, his very first BLACK EYE. This is what happens when you run into a piece of 1x6. He said, "I don't like a stick in my eye, daddy!"

boys in the bath

Grayson waiting not-so-patiently to get into the tub

"If I could only swing my leg a little higher..."

Carter & Jamie the weekend of Uncle Les's golf tournament

Neal, Kent and Brian (Bryan?) all decked-out at Larter's.

Grayson 'helping' unload the dishwasher

Jamie & Grayson

Grayson-in-the-box is way cuter than a jack-in-the-box

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Carter's First Day of SCHOOL!! (September 12/2006)

OK, again for some strange reason these are all out-of-whack and not in the proper order. I'm sure you can figure it all out though.

All the kids wait in line outside the classroom until one of the teachers comes out

There he goes, all on his own! Wah! What happened to my baby?!?

Carter's hook. He was really impressed that they had a heart with his name on it over his hook, when it was only his first day!

After a long busy day, Carter was "resting" on the couch. He kept telling me he wasn't tired though.

A family photo before I took him inside. Notice that Kent, Grayson & I all look much smilier than Carter? He had had about 18 pictures taken already at this point....

C'mon, Daddy! I'm waiting, we need to leave for school now!

Carter & his buddy, Matthew. They met at the park a couple of months ago, and now they're in the same class at school!

Carter & Mommy getting ready to go inside.

Carter & Daddy, who left work to come to school with us!

Ha ha, OK mom, I'll humor you with one more picture!

The side of Carter's school. It says, "Give your child just two things. One is roots, the other, wings"

Got my backpack on, let's GO!

I said, let's GO, mom!!

Like my "Nemo" snack bag?

September 10-12

these won't post in the proper order! This picture is the 2nd one, where Grayson was "busted" helping himself to a snack from the pantry.

Here's the first photo. I guess I don't feed him enough so he has to help himself?

Can we pleeeeease go out and play, mom?

You might think that dragging the baby around is a bad thing, but Grayson loves it and they both have so much fun doing it I just can't say "no"!

August 28-September 9 photos

Carter laughing at mommy

my handsome boys!

the boys hanging out at Uncle Neal's

Carter posing on the grass. We needed a photo to bring for the first day of school.

Out cold on the floor at Auntie Debbie & Uncle Sid's

Rock climbing!

One of Grayson's newest tricks this month is standing, and he does it ALL the time

Look at me, mom!

Happy Birthday, Papa!

Carter helps blow out the candles