Sunday, December 16, 2007

post it notes

Carter's new favorite hobby is writing words on post-it notes. He loves "labelling" things around the house, and getting very good at sounding out words & spelling.


water (cooler)

dish (washer)






t (for toilet)


Monday, December 10, 2007

Grayson's first "real" haircut 12/10/2007



after, side view

a somewhat blurry back view

Sorry guys, no official BEFORE or DURING shots here, as I forgot my camera at home, which is odd since I usually bring it everywhere. I did take some "during" shots on my camera phone, but have no idea how to get the pics from my phone to here. So you guys will just have to look at what I've got, and be happy with it. M'kay?

Grayson's hair "before"

the back of his hair, "before"


Friday, December 07, 2007

christmas card photo shoot

I really like this one, but hate that you can see the electrical cords under the tree.

same pic as aboved, cropped to hide cords. Carter's eyes are a bit red though.

love this, but we have Candycaneface Grayson

this should totally be an "outtake", but I think it's kind of cute. Is Carter's face too red from laughing?

I like this too, it's "real". Carter's got Squinty-laughing-eyes. Thoughts?

I thought Carter was going to cry he was laughing so hard here!

cute, but too far away?

is it better cropped closer?

too posed?

posed, but cropped closer?

maybe this one?

candycane face again. Uploaded it twice? oops.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

halloween 2007

Carter the duck and Grayson the chicken

Can we PLEASE go trick-or-treating now??

Carter waiting at school to go into class

Grayson wanting out of his chicken suit because Carter wasn't wearing his costume

the dirty face of a kid post-Halloween

Friday, October 26, 2007

October 13 - 26

this is the last thing we see before leaving Grayson's room when putting him to bed for the night. He says "night, night" and waves. How CUTE is that??

this was some crazy fog last weekend when we were driving home from a birthday party

Carter skating

Carter's skating class

little Canadian; hanging out at the arena eating Timbits

Carter modelling his new carseat

Grayson climbing

a photo taken by Carter. Isn't it lovely the way the sunlight is glowing around the firetruck? haha

Piano Man

Grayson bows his head while Carter said grace

Let's pray, OK mom?

Grayson chillin' on the back of a firetruck

is the wheel big, or is the kid small?

Eston, Carter & Grayson playing in the sandbox

Business Lunch

Carter & Auntie Terri coloring with chalk

Carter & Grayson checking out an ambulance

Great-Grampa J's birthday

Kent & Carter in the firetruck