Friday, October 26, 2007

October 13 - 26

this is the last thing we see before leaving Grayson's room when putting him to bed for the night. He says "night, night" and waves. How CUTE is that??

this was some crazy fog last weekend when we were driving home from a birthday party

Carter skating

Carter's skating class

little Canadian; hanging out at the arena eating Timbits

Carter modelling his new carseat

Grayson climbing

a photo taken by Carter. Isn't it lovely the way the sunlight is glowing around the firetruck? haha

Piano Man

Grayson bows his head while Carter said grace

Let's pray, OK mom?

Grayson chillin' on the back of a firetruck

is the wheel big, or is the kid small?

Eston, Carter & Grayson playing in the sandbox

Business Lunch

Carter & Auntie Terri coloring with chalk

Carter & Grayson checking out an ambulance

Great-Grampa J's birthday

Kent & Carter in the firetruck

September 29 - October 7

Carter having some fun in the leaves

Carter goofing around in the leaves

Carter & Matthew ready for skating

a helmet-free shot

Grayson in party mode at Ally's 2nd b-day bash

Having cake for Kent's birthday

more at Ally's party
...and more


we'll take seconds, please

more cake??

September 16 - 25

these boys have the BEST mom ever. She made them a puddle to play in since it hadn't rained and they just really "need a puddle".

peek-a-boo Grayson

we love Sesame Street!

one of my failed attempts at a cute skeleton PJ photo

Me & Justin, who hates getting his picture taken

I know 1/2 of Kent's head is missing here, but I love Grayson's expression

Ashley & Jade, sisters & friends


they told me they were reading the flyers!

Ashley, Grayson & Carter playing at Grammy & Grandad's

biker dude


Grammy & the boys

Me & Ashley, who lost a front tooth just minutes before this photo was taken

September 14-16 - Uncle Les's Golf Tourney - NOT the golf

Stephanie, Jen & Kent gettin' down!

Mom & Kent two-steppin!

Auntie Char, Mom, Auntie Debbie, Grampa & Gramma

Jamie & Carter

Jen, Shnan & Jamie

Joce, Jamie & Auntie Debbie

Joce, Steph & Neal at dinner

Neal & Jen with their HAPPY faces

Pam, Jen, Joce & Joelle

Dustin, Shnan & Kent

Jamie & Joce

Jamie & Shnan (holy cow, Jamie's in a lot of pics!)

Jen & Auntie Debbie singing (Jen's got Carter's mic, Auntie Debbie is doing shoehorn karaoke)

Jen, Joelle & Joce strike a pose