Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Sunday, February 04, 2007

January 30th - February 4th

Blue shirts & red chairs.

He loooooves brusing his teeth.

Look Dad, it's Elmo on my jammies!



Carter hamming it up with Mommy.

MMm, pudding!


I think I can lick it off my chin

He takes requests, but they all sound kind of the same.

Another tooth-brushing photo. It just might be his favorite thing to do!

He's even got the toothbrush wrapped up in the towel with him!

a small pile of brothers

January 21st - 28th

hi mom!

Grayson's baptism

Baptism with Grammy & Grandad

Grayson tried to make a break for it, but Uncle Joe's pretty quick. Alex was chillin with Auntie Christy.

Uncle Neal & Grayson. I see a resemblance here, which is weird, because Grayson doesn't look a lot like Carter.

Uncle Joe's arms are full!


Carter dancing

Grayson with his Godparents, Auntie Christy & Uncle Joe

Ah-HA! Maybe I can get away now...

Gran, Poppa & Grayson

the little Rink Rat waching his brother skate (again!)

watch out, here comes Carter!

Hm, another Crosby in the making?

He's left-handed, but shoots right.

Relaxing with Isabella (another friend from school) after skating

I see you!

January 20th - playdate!

We had Auntie Christy & Alex, Auntie Carly & Ally, Auntie Terri & Eston, Auntie Nathalie & Aiden, and Cathy & Matthew over for a playdate. What a riot!

Eston LOVED Ramsey! Ramsey was going in for a kiss here.

Aiden jumping in for the photo; Grayson, Alex & Auntie Christy were playing in the background.

Eston liked Grayson's bouncy zebra

Getting 5 kids looking at the camera was a huge accomplishment for me!

Ally & Grayson both wanted to play on the chair.

Auntie Carly takes a break with Carter & Ally.

Carter & Matthew played a few rousing rounds of Caribou Treasure Hunt.

EVERY block that we own was on the floor at one point....

Carter & Matthew goofing around.

Grayson, Aiden & Ally getting in on the block action

Most of the photos I took were like this.... nobody actually looking at the camera!!

January 7th - 18th

Reading books with Daddy before bed. Carter's not in pain, really; He's into the "cheesey smile" phase!

All geared-up and ready for his first skating lesson!

Jocelyn came to watch and hang out with Grayson while Mommy & Carter skated.

Matthew (Carter's friend from school) is in his skating class, too.

Grayson's new chair from Santa is a favorite for climbing on.

Hanging out with Tara at Joce's birthday.

Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease can I have some cake now?!?

Keep it coming!

AH! Much better.