Sunday, February 04, 2007

January 20th - playdate!

We had Auntie Christy & Alex, Auntie Carly & Ally, Auntie Terri & Eston, Auntie Nathalie & Aiden, and Cathy & Matthew over for a playdate. What a riot!

Eston LOVED Ramsey! Ramsey was going in for a kiss here.

Aiden jumping in for the photo; Grayson, Alex & Auntie Christy were playing in the background.

Eston liked Grayson's bouncy zebra

Getting 5 kids looking at the camera was a huge accomplishment for me!

Ally & Grayson both wanted to play on the chair.

Auntie Carly takes a break with Carter & Ally.

Carter & Matthew played a few rousing rounds of Caribou Treasure Hunt.

EVERY block that we own was on the floor at one point....

Carter & Matthew goofing around.

Grayson, Aiden & Ally getting in on the block action

Most of the photos I took were like this.... nobody actually looking at the camera!!

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